
Anti Sell: Networking & Lead Generation Tips for People Who Hate Sales

21/11/2019, 12:00:00

Sales is the bane and Achilles Heel of most freelancers and small business owners. Various polls have identified that it’s often the least popular part of self-employment, as it’s often seen as an intimidating prospect with many-a-negative connotation.

It’s all about going to business networking events and handing out business cards, right? Wrong! There are ways to network and sell yourself so that you don’t have to hard-sell, pester people, or sell your soul. In this workshop we’ll look at the ‘non-selling’ ways of selling yourself – with tips, advice, examples and case studies of how to do it and why it’s a much better approach than ‘traditional’ sales.

We’ll also run through each of your businesses and collectively drum up some ideas of ways to market your business and generate leads in a way that works best for you.

Steve Morgan is a freelance SEO consultant from Cardiff. He blogs, runs an SEO meetup, and recently self-published a book: Anti-Sell.

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